Haven't left the house since Friday morning.
Gone nowhere.
At least I have my TV.
Nothing good playing.
But at least I'm not spending.
But I need to lose weight.
To many things to do and think of.
Or is it depression.
Don't know yet.
2:30 pm
I need a job, but do I want to.
Nope lost my hope.
With taxes in Greece.
Maybe by tomorrow it will pas.
I like being frugal but.
I also like going out to see people.
I like going out for a couple of drinks.
But money finishes fast.
What should I do.
We are not frugal because we want to anymore but because we have to.
It's been a long time since I was frugal because I wanted too.
There is a big difference.
Hope rest of day goes better than morning.
Feeling sad.
11:00 am
Made some home made laundry liquid.
Super Easy super fast.
2 cups graded soap flakes from natural green olive soap
1 cup washing soda
Half cup borax.
Add everything in pot add 2 litres water and heat and mix till everything is disolved.
In a big bucket add 8 liters water.
When first is ready add to second.
Mix well.
Let rest for 24-48 hours.
Add half a cup.
Big savings.
I use less with a little bit of help from washer I add the washer to warm.
Might be a bit more expensive but it is amazing.
Whites might need some bleach from time to time.
Went to garden, after so much rain.
So many days, we are full of weeds again.
But the good news beet roots have big roots.
My hubby loves eating them.
For dinner we're having boiled beetroot leaves and potatoes with garlic paste and pollock fillets in this paste I make before I fry them.
We might even have Internet access tonight.
A friend has and is giving me some for five euros per month.
Better than paying full price.
Now I only need a job.
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